Friday, 15 January 2010

Washing Up

Washing up is a pain in the butt with kids.  Obviously there is twice as much of it but most of it seems to be plastic.  The plastic stuff floats on the top and makes a bid for freedom, out of the bowl and into the sink, at every opportunity.  The plastic stuff loves to be greasy even when its clean it feels greasy thus wasting more time working out if the damned thing is clean or not. The plastic stuff gets stained and microwave etched thus making it even more difficult to work out if it is clean or not. Before kids the bit of the bowl, plate, spoon etc that really needed cleaning was the concaved bit, you know the bit where an adult would put the food. Kids put the food everywhere so now washing up is like, well you might as well chuck it all on the drive and get the pressure washer out.  I hate plastic. Just give them regular crockery and cutlery, if it breaks then they learnt something.

Posted via web from visionset's posterous

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